Third Mill Institute

Why the Thirdmill Institute? 

Over the years, a number of churches and organizations have expressed a growing need for a ready- made biblical and theological training program, using Thirdmill’s curriculum, to prepare their people for ministry. They also wanted a program that could be accepted by governmental entities requiring certification for pastors. 

With the launch of the Thirdmill Institute, this program is now a reality! 

The Institute’s program is provided free of charge and is open to everyone, regardless of previous education, and has the flexibility of being implemented over the internet or offline. 

How does it work? 

The Thirdmill Institute uses our high-quality curriculum to train students in the Bible and in theology while also adding an increased emphasis on personal and ministry application. We do this by streamlining the learning process and adding in specific documents intended to be used in a group setting. 

The Thirdmill Institute works with churches and Christian leaders to create local learning communities consisting of a group of students and a local trainer. We call these local leaders Institute Trainers. Our curriculum is designed to lift the burden of preparing and teaching classes so these trainers can focus on local application. Typically, the trainer will be provided by a local church, a group of churches, or a Thirdmill partner. 

Learning communities that utilize an “online” approach will have access to Institute classroom materials through the Thirdmill Institute website. Learning communities that utilize an “offline” approach may request a microSD card from the Institute. 

Students will earn a Diploma in Christian Ministry by completing three distinct certificates. Each certificate combines a sub-set of Thirdmill courses with ministry and life skills acquisition through a system of badges. The Institute’s Foundations Certificate is now available in English. Additional certificates and languages will be added in the near future. 

For more information on the Institute, go to our website at 

316 Live Oaks Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707 


Outreach training through YLF